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Hildener Straße 79, Solingen

5,0 23 Rezensionen

  • Daniel ist ein Geschäftspartner, wie man ihn sich wünscht. Er legt großen Wert auf Qualität und kennt deren Wert. Wir haben schon einige Projekte zusammen umgesetzt und die Zusammenarbeit war wunderbar. Er ist fair, zuverlässig und gibt … Mehr ehrliches Feedback. Es macht Spaß mit jemandem zu arbeiten, der den Wert hochwertiger Qualität zu schätzen weiß. Jemanden wie ihn findet man heutzutage leider viel zu selten. Seine Leistungen, verpackt in seinen menschlichen Qualitäten, empfehle ich uneingeschränkt weiter. Ich bin mir sicher, dass man als Kunde bei ihm mehr als gut aufgehoben ist.
    Avatar Judith Pirhofer ★★★★★ vor 6 Monaten
  • Wir haben unserer Buchungssystem von One22 erstellen lassen und sind mit dem Resultat sehr zufrieden. One22 arbeitet sehr flexibel und serviceorientiert. Alle unsere Wünsche wurden zügig umgesetzt. Auch auf Sonderwünsche wurde eingegangen … Mehr und nach Lösungen gesucht. Auch nach Abschluss und Rechnungsstellung stand uns One22 weiterhin mit Rat und Tat zur Seite.
    Avatar Kommandörr Music ★★★★★ vor 2 Monaten
  • Herr Wilczkowiak ist ein absolut zuverlässiger und ehrlicher Geschäftspartner. Arbeiten bei diversen Projekten zusammen und bisher wurden alle zugesagten Arbeiten zur vollsten Zufriedenheit ausgeführt. Freue mich auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit … Mehr
    Avatar Jochen Schneider ★★★★★ vor 5 Monaten


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  • I have been going to Rent-A-Tool for the past 10 years, and over the years I’ve always received exceptional service all around. Their equipment is outstanding and they are always able to order any new equipment I need. Not only that, but their rentals are incredible and I come to them at least 3-4 times a week in the summer because they always have what I need. And need I mention their turn around time for any kind of equipment repairs?! They are quick and reliable and can fix anything I bring to them when it comes to small engine repairs. Nancy and Heath are great people and we will continue to always come to them for any of our equipment needs!
  • I have been going to Rent-A-Tool for the past 10 years, and over the years I’ve always received exceptional service all around. Their equipment is outstanding and they are always able to order any new equipment I need. Not only that, but their rentals are incredible and I come to them at least 3-4 times a week in the summer because they always have what I need. And need I mention their turn around time for any kind of equipment repairs?! They are quick and reliable and can fix anything I bring to them when it comes to small engine repairs. Nancy and Heath are great people and we will continue to always come to them for any of our equipment needs!

They are quick and reliable and can fix anythingI have been going to Rent-A-Tool for the past 10 years, and over the years I’ve always received exceptional service all around. Their equipment is outstanding and they are always able to order any new equipment I need. Not only that, but their rentals are incredible and I come to them at least 3-4 times a week in the summer I have been going to Rent-A-Tool for the past 10 years, and over the years I’ve always received exceptional service all around. Their equipment is outstanding and they are always able to order any new equipment I need. Not only that, but their rentals are incredible and I come to them at least 3-4 times a week in the summerThey are quick and reliable and can fix anything

I have been going to Rent-A-Tool for the past 10 years, and over the years I’ve always received exceptional service all around. Their equipment is outstanding and they are always able to order any new equipment I need. Not only that, but their rentals are incredible and I come to them at least 3-4 times a week in the summer I have been going to Rent-A-Tool for the past 10 years, and over the years I’ve always received exceptional service all around. Their equipment is outstanding and they are always able to order any new equipment I need. Not only that, but their rentals are incredible and I come to them at least 3-4 times a week in the summer


I have been going to Rent-A-Tool for the past 10 years, and over the years I’ve always received exceptional service all around. Their equipment is outstanding and they are always able to order any new equipment I need. Not only that, but their rentals are incredible and I come to them at least 3-4 times a week in the summer I have been going to Rent-A-Tool for the past 10 years, and over the years I’ve always received exceptional service all around. Their equipment is outstanding and they are always able to order any new equipment I need. Not only that, but their rentals are incredible and I come to them at least 3-4 times a week in the summer